Paperweight |
AGE: 17 (Pre-Timeskip) 22 (Post-Timeskip) |
GOALS: To be a famous chess player, or so ey tells people |
ABILITIES: Knowledge Of Olde. With eyr pronoun set being the first set of neopronouns to be forged, eyr intellect is heightened, making eym a master of strategy. The downside is that ey is burdened with this knowledge and is therefore reclusive and quiet. |
FAVORITE FOOD: Spaghetti Bolognese |
FAVORITE MUSIC GENRE: Whatever Kate Bush's got going on |
JOB: Star member of the chess club |
HOBBIES: Folding paper cranes |
Paperweight is the deadpan, no-nonsense type, to the point where some have in jest referred to eym as a "kuudere". Secretive and reserved, eyr voice is an emotionless monotone, causing some subtext misinterpretations. Thus, ey tend to refrain from speaking if ey can help it, but this doesn't mean that ey're a complete social outcast. Thanks to concieted efforts by Sand and his friends, Paperweight is able to venture outside of eyr comfort zone little by little, and therefore extend the bounds of that zone accordingly. Baby steps! |